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CESI is organizing two Summer Schools in English, from 8 to 19 July 2024, over a two-week period, in order to raise awareness for sustainable development among French and international students. The concept of these Summer Schools is to encourage participants to work on themes such as BIM, Smart Cities, eco-districts, decarbonization, and eco-innovation.

Two Summer Schools to enhance your knowledge on innovative themes!

BIM for Sustainable Construction

Guided by experts from the corporate world and Northumbria University in Newcastle, namely Omar Doukari, Assistant Professor, and David Greenwood, Emeritus Professor, Summer School participants will collaborate in projects focused on Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Smart Building. Creativity, innovation and energy efficiency will be key to meeting these challenges.

Here are the projects planned for our future engineers:

BIM for Sustainable Construction: a project dedicated to sustainable construction.

Practical work at the wastewater treatment plant La Cité de l’Eau et de l’Assainissement, focusing on the consequences of climate change on urban water management.

Exploration of Parisian architecture, from tunnels to towers and other iconic buildings.

Green Innovation

As part of the Green Innovation module, students will be invited to create innovative solutions by drawing inspiration from nature, according to the principle of biomimicry. They will observe natural elements to develop solutions that meet societal needs, such as water management. They will have to be pragmatic in identifying nature-inspired innovations that solve specific problems.

The program will include a variety of projects that will stimulate participants’ creativity:

  • CAD software
  • Additive 3D printer for metal or plastic
  • Fundamental principles of innovation
  • Ecological design approaches
  • Marketing strategies adapted to green innovations
  • Technological innovations that promote ecological transitions


Visite Fondation Louis Vuitton

Summer School participants will have the opportunity to take part in various events, which will add to their knowledge:

  • ‘La Fresque du Climat’ initiative
  • A conference and workshop on biomimicry
  • A tour to Paris one month before the Paris 2024 Olympic Games
  • A visit to the Louis Vuitton Foundation
  • An agenda for visits and cultural discoveries in France

The themes we address are utterly contemporary. They offer not only a platform for exchanging information, but also an essential opportunity to raise awareness among our students and those coming from abroad about the major ecological issues of our time
